Thursday, March 14, 2013

Time for an update. shoe rant and rave

So I realize that Ive only posted once in the past year. Add to that something significant is going on so its time for another post...

I have gotten two pair of shoes from Merrell that have not been comfortable to my feet. What is going on?!?!? Usually they make love to my feet. With them on, all is right with the world. I can walk as long as I please with no thought of how many more steps there are to take before Im permanently sitting down. Not anymore. I shouldve bought two of the same shoes when they were available. Add to that, my options are limited being that Im not in the U.S. Im lucky to be able to buy them in a store at all.

So, yeah. These are better than the other pair that look so new. I pretty much dont wear them at all. Im about to donate them and someone will enjoy a pair of 100 dollar shoes and probably wont know the difference,lol. Anyway. I had to buy shoes because the two pair I own weren't cutting it. The 'good' pair were so worn they werent any good anymore and I just explained the other pair. I was starting to think it was my custom made insoles because Ive been wearing them nonstop for the past year and a little more. I put one in these new shoes and it made them a bit better. Now my little toe seems to be paying a price. I have a half shoe insole that I will try after I give my feet a rest and go from there. I also bought another pair of Ms that are men's shoes (thats how limited the choices were for me) and I have yet to wear them. I want to wear them around the house and if they are too bad, Ill take them back.

This feels like a step back. I feel like Im taking a step back. I can still wear their sandals,no prob. But sometimes I need a sneaker-to work out and also because I dont want my feet to crack up and fall away in the desert. But dry feet versus hurting feet is a no brainer. I will see how the week transpires. Aside from the shoes being an almost no-go, my ankle is good. My feet are good considering. Flat feet suck.

OH, but I DO have to rave about a HEEL I bought. Its LOOOOOOOVELY! and worth every penny. I need it in black as well because itll be the only heel I can wear for now. It feels like you are wearing a very comfortable sneaker :-). and the picture here doesnt do it justice. Her name is Janae if youre interested.