Friday, October 15, 2010


My incision is beginning to itch off and one and I wont dare scratch it. I did buy that liquid St Johns wort and I figured I wouldnt need it after having the cast on so long but it came in handy last night!!!!
I puts some on both incisions on the side of my foot.

*side note*
When I touch the incision,It creates this tingling sensation in my foot,especially on the opposite side of my foot-around the big toe.

So I put that on and it felt better. No itching or funny feeling all night. And let me tell you why!

liquid St Johns Wort helps nerve cells to regenerate and reduces pain. (It also helps with mood stabilization)
Natural Remedies: Nondrug Healing Strategies That Work Best

****Please keep in mind that all supplements,vitamins,herbs,etc are not created equally! So the items you can pick up at WM arent of the same quality of items at a reputable health food store. And that is not to say that you should go to a GNC either. Some of your mom and pop places are great, you can even get Tumeric from your local farmers market and cap it yourself as health food stores sell capsules by the bag.Also check out Eastern herbalists AND do your research!!!!!
These items have side effects for some as well. What works for me may not work for someone else just as with regular meds.


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