Saturday, October 9, 2010

Week 13

So Im getting about 100 readers per month. That tells me that people want to know about this deformity and about the surgery. I hope that blog is helping you guys-even if you arent saying anything,lol. I promise I dont bite. Right Amy?

Differences between my last update (9 weeks) and now?
  • occasional discomfort
  • walking more
  • no need to readjust 'bubbles' in boot so maybe that has to do with less swelling
  • big toe still sensitive,not numb but close to that feeling. I dont like it touched so no pedis for me
  • have NOT walked on it without a boot. Will wear skechers shape ups sandals after Im dont with boot
  • regular ibuprofen works fine but I take the prescribed ones if Im going to be doing a lot of walking
  • still a little foot peeling-on heal and by big toe
  • It is difficult to walk up or down stairs. I do it sideways
  • no crutches but a cane would be helpful
I think thats it. Just wanted to update my status and progress. I havent been doing the 3 exercises with my ankle and calf daily but the doc said I didnt need physical therapy so its no biggie.

*I am still taking my bone health supplements because I wasnt taking them when I was supposed to so I have a lot left. FYI, they are horse pills and you (or I) have to eat with them or they will make you sick. At least thats my experience with most vitamins. And I think they make your nails grow.

If you are reading this and will be getting a procedure soon or have just gotten it-GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING and read about how to aide your body in the healing process. It has been my experience that this doesnt have to be such a bad experience as it has been for others. I have been blessed to go through this process with ease and I wish the same for you (or someone you know). God has given us everything we need on this earth. There are supplements you can take to  help relieve pain and to help your bones heal (coupled with a diet change and listening to your doctor).



  1. HAHA, no I promise she doesn't bite and very informative!

  2. I had tarsal coalition (talocalcaneal fusion) and peroneal tendon groove surgery 2.5 years ago. It was no joke as you know. My pain started following a meniscus tear of the same leg. I'm not sure why it really irritated me following the tear, but I did walk around for several months with the tear before having surgery (meniscus tear did not show up on the MRI). My pain used to be between 7-8 daily, with some days being a 10. I now have very minimal discomfort with some minimal instability. If I had to do it over again, I would. It really sucked, but my is pretty gone and I can't thank my physician enough. I actually stayed in the hospital for two nights, although I was only supposed to stay for one. My doctor keeps all of his fusion patients overnight normally, but my pain so bad he kept me for another (I think it was mostly the tendon work...ouch). I was in a boot for about 6 weeks, non-weight bearing. I did physical therapy (both water and land) for 2 months (insurance would only cover this length of time) and then was able to continue on my own using their facilities. I didn't have my own therapist after the two months, but I was able to work the program they set up for me. I can't believe your doctor did not want you to do therapy. I don't know that I would be where I am at without therapy. When I was able to get rid of that darn boot, my calf muscle was probably less than half the size of the other one. After having the cast on, do you even have a calf muscle left? :) I would recommend therapy, no matter what that doctor says. Anyhow, I enjoyed reading your blog. People really need this type of information. I read another guys blog prior to my own procedure and it was extremely helpful. I hope your recovery continues to go well.
