Saturday, August 7, 2010

Its official


They didnt seem so bad in high school. But then again, in high school I had a fracture so it wasnt imperative that I use the them.

Yesterday I took the knee roller back. I couldnt bring myself to pay another 65 dollars for two more weeks of using it. Granted, I could have taken it for the entire month but I figured Id be ok as I was going to be in a boot. idk. Whats done is done at this point. My main thing now is waiting for this period where swelling is normal. Once that is gone, Ill feel so much better. Im dealing with it, though, because I know it is healing and I dont want to stop or slow that process with drugs. So when it gets to be bothersome I take the darvocet but since its not really for swelling I dont really bother. Actually, ice works much better for me in that regard.

So me and these crutches are going to be frenemies for quite awhile it would seem.I will definitely be getting back on my regiment of more healthy eating/drinking. I want my bones to heal expiditiously!

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