Monday, August 23, 2010


ok, so I went to the doctor last Thursday for my cast removal and x ray. I was excited about my xray more than anything. Wanted to know how the bones were doing. I went with questions written down so that I wouldnt forget anything and pretty much was counting down the days.
fast forward and Im sitting on the table looking crazy because my doctor seems to flip the script on me like he was having a bad day. I didnt say a word and sat there chewing my bottom lip like, WTH????

ok, so lets rewind-PA was my initial visit. I told her my time table, why I needed to get the operation at that time (asap) because I was slated to leave the country in September. She subsequently put me on the books and told me I should be ready to go around that time. And let me just insert here that I know nothing is concrete and that there could have been complications to lengthen my healing process. OKAY, so after I see her, she talks to doctor (clue him in to my file did you???), he looks at the bones and sends me for a cat scan and after a week or so, I go in for the pre op. AT PRE OP, he mentions me leaving the country (for good) and he goes on to tell me that there are good doctors there and that I should be in good hands. He was conversational and everything was on course.

Let me also mention the time frames I was given-PA "youll be in 2 casts, each for 3 weeks and then a boot. . ." DOCTOR "You will be in 1 cast for six weeks and then a boot". So when he tells me during post op (2 wks later) xray that Id be in a cast for 4 weeks, I thought that Id be in the cast for 4 weeks and then a boot.

Back to now, I have no problem with my healing process in and of itself. What I DO have a problem with is him acting all brand new on me. He even acted as if he wouldnt have performed the surgery had he known my timetable. NUMBER ONE, talk to your PA. Better yet-TALK TO ME!!

Now im in another cast for 3 weeks because I need more healing. That puts me on the original time frame, IN THEORY but Ill get to that in a minute. So when I go back I should be in a boot and walking (he said walking but from what Ive read, I know its gradual and not all at once). I had no issues with him but now Im wondering why he cant be a little more specific about things and why is there no paperwork to chronicle what I should expect as far as healing/time frame. Now I know there is google and a wealth of information out there but im KINDA paying you sooooo. . .um, yeah.

So back to that time frame-and forgive me for being all over the place. He is going on vacation the week I should be getting this off and no one else can see me but him so that puts me off another week and keeps me in the cast for another month. That part was a bit irritating as well.

Now, Im not mad at all. I know that all things work together for his good and I want to heal and nicely as possible. What made it a big deal to me is how he responded to me as if we had never had the conversation. My husband and I talked about how the medical field is now so impersonal and thats to the detriment of the health field as we see it. Not the only detriment-just one of them.

He didnt even ask what color I wanted so now I have a blue cast. No biggie,lol.
Man, my leg and toes are soo peely!!! so gross. This cast is lower and it was so crusty. My toes were too and i put vaseline all over them and brushed it off. No itching still and its been 7 weeks so far if I include the pandages for two weeks. No real pain, just the irritation of the swelling. I continue to keep my foot elevated and use ice often. I also finally got ibuprofen 800mg and take that 3X daily. I keep the heavier stuff on hand but dont use it.

This time will fly by and I hope to meet a much more pleasant disposition after his week long vacation!

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