Saturday, August 28, 2010

swelling. week 7

When I went to the doctor on the 19th one of my main concerns was swelling. I keep my foot elevated mostly throughout the day but I still found myself uncomfortablewith tight skin and a FAT foot. he gave me ibuprofen but it didnt really take the swelling away like I thought it would so I havent been taking it too much but I figure I may need it when i leave the country so I just went ahead and asked for the meds.

The good news is that the swelling hasnt been so bad. The worst part is at night but its not pain. . .just discomforting. I still sleep with my ice pack in the bed on a stack of pillows but I dont think my foot stays on it all night. Its better than not having anything.

Im keeping an eye on time frames but also keep in mind the fact that everyone's body is different and that I cant count on any of these schedules. I also realize that my diet isnt what it once was even before I was preparing for this procedure. Im disappointed in my lack of veggie intake and increase in processed foods. One major reason this is an issue is because i havent cooked in forever.

I continue to take supplements but do need to be more consistent-a problem because I have to eat enough to keep them from hurting my stomach. I have yet to master than technique without feeling like a glutton.
As far as the swelling, Im happy with where I currently am. I had a dream that I was walking on my foot. When I woke up, I was briefly startled because I was concerned about whether that happened in the dream or if it happened in real life,lol. I DEFINITELY dont want to walk on my ankle/foot!

I strated washing my toes. The sensation isnt as bad as it was before. I can touch them and wash them without it driving me crazy but my big toe is still the worst. They continue to peel and I am repulsed at the thought of my skin under this thing. Scaly isnt really the word for the skin. Its thick and doesnt just come off . . .wait. Alligators are scaly so maybe that is a good term,lol.

ok, Im done rambling now. Just wanted to log my swelling experience. Im thinkign that if Im here now, Ill be so much better in 3 weeks! I know the time will fly

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