Wednesday, September 29, 2010



well, for the most part. I was down to one crutch for the last couple days even though the doc said id be off in a week. Today, I still have it by my side but Im mostly walking on my own.

Now, its not a regular walk mind you. Its more of an elderly walk. . .like someone who has a "bad hip" kind of walk,lol. I also notice that my foot tends to land on the outside, as if Im walking on the side of my foot. Thats something that I pay attention to because I did read (somewhere) that you have to make sure you dont start walking that way.

Before I put my boot on this morning I stood up without anything on my feet. It feels funny and I have to make my foot touch the floor completely. Im supposed to be out of this boot by the end of October. . .

I do see that the swelling is less than I expected. Even at the end of the day, its not like I thought it would be. I imagined this big, sausage toe looking foot, possibly shiny from the skin being stretched so much, somewhat painful and needing elevation.

Nothing of the sort, thank God!

As stated before and it remains true-any discomfort I feel is virtually non existant when compared to what I felt before! Anything that i DO feel is in the foot as opposed to before where it was deep in the bone. Makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD!!!

and Im not even walking, walking yet.

Good thing Im not on the market for a man because the looks my walking will attract wont be the ones I want,lol.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


or scales as one would have it.
I did a very good job of NOT peeling off any skin. That was my plan initially but I decided against such craziness. As it is now Thursday, a week has passed and my foot is almost back to normal skin-wise. 2X daily moisturizing with shea butter and/or vaseline (shea butter is preferred)-of course socks are changed out as well.

I washed with a moisturizing soap and a gentle exfoliant on the leg and foot but not around any incisions. I would also let my foot soak while I sit in the tub and bathe. I continue to sit on a stool with the shower running as I do NOT want to sit in water with dead and peeling skin. TOO GROSS!

Not much itching to speak of and thats possibly because I keep it from being dry. I continue to walk on crutches-some days adding more pressure than others. Last night while sleeping, I would feel a small discomfort here or there. One doesnt realize how stretching pulls on the whole  body until something like this. I try to stop my stretch from going into the ankle,lol.

So far, short "pains" are more so in the areas of incision. No discomfort in the heal yet but that could change when I get into shoes,idk. I will be sure to post if I get pains that are equal to or greater than what I felt pre-surgery. That was the whole reason I did this after all-to get rid of pain.
So far I continue to be pleased!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Since Thursday, my cast has been off. The doctor said I was doing well and that I should start to apply pressure immediately.
I was a bit nervous about that but I did it. He said that I did not need physical therapy and to apply more pressure daily . . .and put the crutches aside in a week. . .take off the boot by the end of October. . .expect full healing anywhere from 9-12 months.

Hows the foot?

crusty isnt the word! thick scales, surgery "tape", tight skin. . .
Not really itching. I have a regiment for my skin.

OH, and my leg IS little,lol. But back to my skin. First day home.

Soaked in hot water with soap and oil in water. Washed my foot and dryed it off. Melted shea butter and lathered it on my leg and foot and then carefully placed sock onto my foot. YOU WILL NEED HELP.

This is something I do day and night. Each time I remove a sock, skin comes with it. I WILL NOT PEEL. . .I dont want to have sore skin or to hurt on my foot unnecessarily!!!!

It is now Sunday and my leg is no longer crusty. The foot looks much better but still has dead skin. The tape is gone now. Less skin falls off now and I am pleased with it and hope it doesnt take too too long to get back to normal.

Im wearing long socks on that one foot and Im changing it out tonite again. TURN THE SOCKS INSIDE OUT WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF SO THE DEAD SKIN WILL FALL OUT AND SO THE SOCK WILL WASH CLEAN.

I continue to be happy with my operation and I dont regret it. I am taking it easy and adding pressure each day. I am also doing short excercises-rocking ankle up and down 20 times and resting-do this twice. I am also using a towel around my foot-push against towel for 5 secs. Do this 10 times and rest. Repeat. Also pulling back on towel to stretch calf muscle for 5 secs each for 10 times. Repeat.

I do this morning and nite and got it from a physiotherapy site that gave exercises to do after getting leg cast removed.

Monday, September 13, 2010

anticipation builds

I GET MY CAST OFF IN 3 DAYS AND I AM SO EXCITED. Not because Ive been itching-because I havent been, not because Ill be able to take a shower/bath-which I really want to do so that I can wash my leg,lol, but because once this sucker is off I can get an update on my bone health, I can get my boot, my records, and. . .


Now, normally people arent so excited about work but my case is a bit different.

number one-I love my job. I would do it for free


number two-I am moving to another country and looking at pictures isnt quite cutting it for me anymore. Ive been doing so since March and Im so excited to be finally ready to leave.

The butterflies will soon start to flutter.

Actually, I have two days!
Thats even better!!!