Sunday, September 19, 2010


Since Thursday, my cast has been off. The doctor said I was doing well and that I should start to apply pressure immediately.
I was a bit nervous about that but I did it. He said that I did not need physical therapy and to apply more pressure daily . . .and put the crutches aside in a week. . .take off the boot by the end of October. . .expect full healing anywhere from 9-12 months.

Hows the foot?

crusty isnt the word! thick scales, surgery "tape", tight skin. . .
Not really itching. I have a regiment for my skin.

OH, and my leg IS little,lol. But back to my skin. First day home.

Soaked in hot water with soap and oil in water. Washed my foot and dryed it off. Melted shea butter and lathered it on my leg and foot and then carefully placed sock onto my foot. YOU WILL NEED HELP.

This is something I do day and night. Each time I remove a sock, skin comes with it. I WILL NOT PEEL. . .I dont want to have sore skin or to hurt on my foot unnecessarily!!!!

It is now Sunday and my leg is no longer crusty. The foot looks much better but still has dead skin. The tape is gone now. Less skin falls off now and I am pleased with it and hope it doesnt take too too long to get back to normal.

Im wearing long socks on that one foot and Im changing it out tonite again. TURN THE SOCKS INSIDE OUT WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF SO THE DEAD SKIN WILL FALL OUT AND SO THE SOCK WILL WASH CLEAN.

I continue to be happy with my operation and I dont regret it. I am taking it easy and adding pressure each day. I am also doing short excercises-rocking ankle up and down 20 times and resting-do this twice. I am also using a towel around my foot-push against towel for 5 secs. Do this 10 times and rest. Repeat. Also pulling back on towel to stretch calf muscle for 5 secs each for 10 times. Repeat.

I do this morning and nite and got it from a physiotherapy site that gave exercises to do after getting leg cast removed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,how are you feeling? Congrats on getting the cast off and almost fully back to normal I hope.Well, here is my story in short,lol. I am Amy by the way,nice to meet you. I played sports in high school and college and after many injuries of my foot/ankle I was faced with terrible arthritis and ankle pain. I couldn't walk without pain and swelling. So after many doctors it was decided that I would get an ankle fusion. I was a little hesitant at first to have the fusion due to the fact that I will have limited range of motion in my ankle for the rest of my life but at the same time she said I will be mostly pain free.So last week I finally went through with it and here I am at home with my leg up resting on pillows in bed with some half plaster wrap thing on my foot and in a week I go to get the staples out and a cast put on which I will need for 8-12 weeks and really not looking forward to that but such is life and part of the healing process. my pain gets pretty bad especially after the block wore off I thought I would die! The pain meds kill my stomach but I need them. I look and feel like crap and need to figure out a better way to dress and shower and desperately need a mani/pedi, I will pay you to give me one! LOL Well feel free to write,my email is Muah and hope you are not in pain.
