Wednesday, September 29, 2010



well, for the most part. I was down to one crutch for the last couple days even though the doc said id be off in a week. Today, I still have it by my side but Im mostly walking on my own.

Now, its not a regular walk mind you. Its more of an elderly walk. . .like someone who has a "bad hip" kind of walk,lol. I also notice that my foot tends to land on the outside, as if Im walking on the side of my foot. Thats something that I pay attention to because I did read (somewhere) that you have to make sure you dont start walking that way.

Before I put my boot on this morning I stood up without anything on my feet. It feels funny and I have to make my foot touch the floor completely. Im supposed to be out of this boot by the end of October. . .

I do see that the swelling is less than I expected. Even at the end of the day, its not like I thought it would be. I imagined this big, sausage toe looking foot, possibly shiny from the skin being stretched so much, somewhat painful and needing elevation.

Nothing of the sort, thank God!

As stated before and it remains true-any discomfort I feel is virtually non existant when compared to what I felt before! Anything that i DO feel is in the foot as opposed to before where it was deep in the bone. Makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE IN THE WORLD!!!

and Im not even walking, walking yet.

Good thing Im not on the market for a man because the looks my walking will attract wont be the ones I want,lol.

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