Thursday, September 23, 2010


or scales as one would have it.
I did a very good job of NOT peeling off any skin. That was my plan initially but I decided against such craziness. As it is now Thursday, a week has passed and my foot is almost back to normal skin-wise. 2X daily moisturizing with shea butter and/or vaseline (shea butter is preferred)-of course socks are changed out as well.

I washed with a moisturizing soap and a gentle exfoliant on the leg and foot but not around any incisions. I would also let my foot soak while I sit in the tub and bathe. I continue to sit on a stool with the shower running as I do NOT want to sit in water with dead and peeling skin. TOO GROSS!

Not much itching to speak of and thats possibly because I keep it from being dry. I continue to walk on crutches-some days adding more pressure than others. Last night while sleeping, I would feel a small discomfort here or there. One doesnt realize how stretching pulls on the whole  body until something like this. I try to stop my stretch from going into the ankle,lol.

So far, short "pains" are more so in the areas of incision. No discomfort in the heal yet but that could change when I get into shoes,idk. I will be sure to post if I get pains that are equal to or greater than what I felt pre-surgery. That was the whole reason I did this after all-to get rid of pain.
So far I continue to be pleased!

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