Wednesday, July 7, 2010


I have always had issues with my feet: flat feet, occasional swelling, ankle pain. . .
Never really thought much of it, thought it was just an issue because of low-no arches. At 19 I joined the military only to be plagued with more issues. I was unable to walk and subsequent x-rays showed that I had a fused talus. At least that's what they told me.

Fast forward: I left the military and suffered pain whenever I walked or stood too much. As I got older, I began to alter my behavior based on the recuperating period I would need afterward. I invested in insoles, shoes, pain killers, etc. None of them were a longterm solution.

Fast forward again: I get a job with insurance and vow I will get myself "fixed" but keep putting it off. A year and some months after that I am doing an activity that has me on my feet for 3 days and I begin to PAY for it off and on for months so I finally decide to do something about it. Never mind the fact that I am on somewhat of a schedule and need to be healed ASAP. OH, and that thing called INSURANCE? you STILL have to shell out big dollars for cat scans (300+) and the procedure itself (600+). I had already figured I would be paying $2000 dollars out of pocket based on the fact that that amount is my cap. Sometimes they will bill you and other times you have to pay outright. Money is a big factor for many people so if you are considering this procedure, contact your insurance company as well as the Dr. you plan on getting the procedure from to find out their billing practices.


  1. I have an ankle coalition. Your story sounds alot like mine. I am in Canada, had pain, joined the army, too much pain, got a job with the gov and that is when I found out what was wrong. I am now trying to get as many of us on Facebook with this problem.!/group.php?gid=126292220737761 Check it out.

  2. I just discovered at age 41 that I have a Tarsal Coalition. I have experienced pain my entire adult life since I was 16. Never being able to hold a job that requires standing. I suffered enourmous pain in the military at ate 18..being told by the Dr.'s that I was to continue on with no treatment.

    My pain, goes from a dull ache, to excruciating, at its worse I am left more or less disabled and require crutches for a day until the pain heals.

    In my 20's I became an avid runner. As running never really affected me. It was the standing, the slow walking at say a fair or festival. Working retail or restaurant jobs was impossible. Luckily I went into a profession which requires little standing.

    I have terrific insurance so I am looking for options. As I'm aging I'm finding the pain to be worsening. I am not able to hike without pain. I have crutches I pull out when necessary.

    I am amazed it took 25 years, 3 Dr.'s, limited mobility and pain to finally have a diagnosis.

    Glad to have found others that can identify with me!

  3. D.a.r.s pays for everthing. Along as your trying to keep job and its hindering you to work they will pay for everything. A lot of people don't know about this. Luckily someone told me and I went.they paid for Doc appt meds mri and now my surgery...its run threw ssi.even thpugh you already have surgery it math save you money on other issues
