Saturday, July 10, 2010

Its getting real

On a scale of 1-10, my pain level is at a 7. There are some differences to be noted, however. I know that this throbbing is temporary and it means that I am healing-unlike before. Also, hmmmm. Maybe thats the only difference,lol. Its not unbearable and I hope it doesnt become so. I have 14 minutes before I can take my next set of Percocets.
I am currently laying up with 2 ice packs wrapped in a grocery bag and inside a towel on my wraps. Its taking its time getting through but anything will help. In a perfect world, my leg could stay numb AND heal. In this world, I lay here with a throbbing ankle in the hopes that the meds melt as swiftly as possible and provide relief for more than what feels like a minute.

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