Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Week in review

Its been awhile since Ive written. Ive been meaning to. Even opening the page and posting a title but thats as far as Ive gone. So I will be recapping the last week because it definitely had its' highs and lows.

MONDAY-Monday I began to feel a little sick each time I got up to use the restroom. I put it off as nothing and continued taking my perc and sleeping on and off like a baby. I thought that maybe I wasnt eating enough with the meds so I tried eating more although I didnt really have a appetite. I was eating every few hours but it was only by a little.

TUESDAY-same dull-little achy-feeling but mostly when I had to get up to use the restroom. Im started to get irritated. Well, not so much irritated as antsy about laying in bed for SO LONG. ugggghhhh. Its only been since Friday so I told myself I shouldnt even bother counting because it made the idea even worse,lol. I would color occasionally but always ended up back at the internet either surfing or watching tv/movies online.

WEDNESDAY-ok. I cant take it anymore. The pain isnt severe based on what my idea of severe is but Im not saying much. Staying strong, being still. Thought about calling about meds but thought that MAYBE, I should just eat more. Later that day though, after they are closed OF COURSE, I couldnt take it anymore. I was in tears although I do think a part of it was that Id been in this room-in this bed-for so long. For a brief amount of time I think I was actually going crazy. I think I got 3 or 4 hours of sleep that night. Man, it was definitely rough!

THURSDAY-called the doc 1st thing that morning. Had to leave message and they call you back. He missed the call back so now its cat and mouse :-(. I called too and left message about nausea and he called me in hydro instead of oxy as well as some phenergan. MAN, DID I LOVE HIM. So this conversation was at around 12 and he said itd be in in a couple of hours. 6 hours and MANY calls to Walgreens later, I had my medicine. I was soooo happy to get it!!!!!!!! I felt like myself again. Like I had before all this craziness.

***insert*** I realize that this entry is mostly about my stomach when I actually had an operation on my ankle so I should only make sure to address THAT feeling. It was painful but not much higher in degree than when it was really hurting me from doing strenuous activities-or even wearing heels for an evening/night.
Monday and Tuesday I took half pills and 1 whole at night so I dont think it was THAT bad at first because of that. By the time Wednesday came, I refused to take them anymore and I just lay there taking the pain. I didnt want to add anything to my stomach besides food and water because the pain was that bad and I was afraid to make it worse.

FRIDAY-back to normal. My family came down to see me, to bring me home cooked food, and to buy me a few things. I was very grateful as it saved me quite a few dollars. My granny even brought me back some flowers and I wanted some too!!! I told my husband, "That's why shes my favorite person",lol.
The pain was still there and I was napping on and off but mostly while they went out to the store(s). They left and I slept the night away.

SATURDAY-good day. I felt like myself again. I got up from time to time just to get some things for myself. Not much pain to speak of besides a couple firey like shootings up my foot. I keep ice handy so that I can put it on my ankle on either side, sometimes on the bottom. I continue to do TOES ABOVE NOSE -drs orders.

SUNDAY-Feel good Sunday as well. Last Sunday I was joking about being able to go to church. This Sunday, I dont think I could go if someone payed me even though I still feel much better and even emptied. filled, and ran the dishwasher today and yesterday.

MONDAY-I cant take this sweaty, feverish smell! Im tired of sponge baths. Ive had a slight fever (99.+) today and yesterday. Sponge baths are not working anymore and I NEED to sit in some water. ok, how am I going to work this??? I sit sideways in the tub-legs hanging over side-and ease myself down and then run the water. We took turns washing parts of my body before I let the water out to dry off. We dried me off and he had to get in to get me out. So worth it-I feel like new $$,lol.

again in the kitchen straightening some things-ugh. I had 1 pain pill=actually 1/2 since this morning. I know that a small fever is good for me but I tire of being a bit chilly. I dont get as tired when Im up initially. I continue to take vitamins. Just used the last of my symphytum so I have to go get more. I only needed to take arnica for 10 days. I was drinking so much water-I need to get back on that.
I have two days-more like one-before going for the follow up. I am expecting miraculous news. And maybe more meds? lol

1 comment:

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