Tuesday, July 13, 2010

worst part thus far

Ok, so Im taking these percs and if I take a guess Id say my eating is somewhere between a bird and a horse. Big gap, I know. I haven't really been keeping track but I think Ive been eating a little more often but not as much as I usually eat and I think it is posing a problem.
When I get up, I feel nauseas. I HATE it1! and Im not up for long-restroom breaks, brushing teeth, washing face. Normal things.My stomach hurts and it makes me not want to take the meds. In my opinion, the pain in my ankle isn't unbearable. It's more irritating than anything. Surgery was Friday and it is Tuesday. The past couple days I got off my regiment of 2 pills every 4 (or 3.5) hours. 325 mgs.
But I started feeling better and I guess forgot that I'd had SURGERY and that I should continue taking meds as scheduled. Now, it was my option as to whether to take 1 or 2 and I needed to start at two. But rather than go to 1 and then 2 at dinner, I was actually able to take 1/2 and be ok. I actually felt good during the day. Keep in mind that I am also taking my homeopathic remedies so that has something to do with that I'm sure.
BUT, and yes there is a but, I shouldnt have done 1/2 AND gone more than 4 hours w/o medication. Part of the reason I was ok with it is because the meds also delay healing as some inflammation is a healthy part of healing. Tossing and turning, however, definitely counteract the process of healing and last night I had little to no sleep.
Add to that bad dreams that could possibly be coming from the meds and youve got a groggy, nauseas person. I even woke up calling Thomas' name to come and help me,lol.
So I sit here now rearranging my body and want-NEED- to eat a bigger meal than I have been.
This morning at 6 am he made me breakfast. I was so thankful to have a husband who did so willingly even though the pancakes were gummy and the eggs had salt in them and he KNOWS I dont put salt in my eggs (ever). But yet he "has" to have it even though he never seems to miss it when I make the eggs, which is most often!
But back to the point,lol. I had half the 3 pancakes and and 2 scrambled eggs. I took 2 percs and went to sleep. Woke up at 11ish and had cream of wheat and took 1 perc and layed down. shortly after getting up, I feel that sickness again. I recently took my "green drink" and will be eating some fruit. Soon he will be going to get us a SUB sandwich and i HOPE its goooood, and that it fills me up!

I know that I have a loooong way to go as this is just day 5 but I would think the initial part, right after surgery is the worst. 2nd would be starting to walk again. But I cant put the cart before the horse so I live right where I am and I have great faith that my bones are healing even as I type this.
*and if this is your first blog, go back to the beginning where I talk about homeopathy and natural healing*
But yeah, I used to wonder about faith but now I understand what the verse means that says "faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word. . ." because my faith has definitely grown by leaps and bounds.

SIDE NOTE: Be careful of handing tumeric-it stains white things, including your MAC computer keys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ugh!

Um, yeah, I have to go wash my face mask off because when I do get my cast in 9 days, I WILL be wearing makeup/eyeshadow again because I will have been laid up in bed looking HORRIBLE for 2 weeks.

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