Friday, July 9, 2010

So far,so good

I had surgery at about 845 this morning. I wasn't nervous or anything. I prayed in between nurse visits and preparatory shots. They gave me an IV and came back for a block behind my knee. I was a little sleepy and  was kind of in and out when they took me to the operating room. I remember talking to them about Abu Dhabi and how so many people were going from so many fields and then. . .I remember the nurse waking me in the recovery room. I was sleeping so well and probably would have opted to stay there had it been a free choice,lol.
I understand why they say no food or drink because I was rather nauseous. I kept trying to throw up but nothing would come up. Initially, I opted for some ginger ale but relented and got a shot later. Good thing I did because Im sure my ride home would have been even worse had I not done so.
Got home ok and went straight to bed. Family dropped in to see me and Thomas has been taking care of me. I ate soup around 2 (I think) and began eating regular food around 5, which consisted of corn on the cob, pasta salad, and fruit salad. I began taking the pain meds (perc) around 5 I think, so that they would be in my system. He said the nurse told him to,idk. At that time, my foot was still numb and I didnt feel anything save a little pressure now and again.
I drifted in and out of consciousness and tried to color but only managed to do a little. After taking the meds I have about 15 minutes before Im basically out again. Im using one of those times to type this. Its 240 am now and I started to feel a little something in my foot about 11:00. I felt something more when I woke up 20 mins ago and called for him to bring me more meds and water.
Ive been drinking LOTS of water. Ive also been taking my bromelain and tumeric as well as my arnica, keeping my foot elevated, and eating a pretty healthy diet. I will be drinking a green juice/superfood for breakfast in the morning. I wonder how I will feel tomorrow. Whether the pain will be more than this. Tomorrow, I will begin taking my other vitamins for bone health. The process is beginning.

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